The Trustee Board is a team of volunteers who work together to make sure Scouts is run safely and legally. 

Together, Trustees make sure the charity is well managed, risks are assessed and mitigated, buildings and equipment are in good working order, and everyone follows legal requirements and Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR). Their support helps other volunteers run a fantastic programme that gives young people skills for life (and experiences they’ll remember forever).   

Our Group Lead Volunteer is Jonathan Corwin

The Trustee Chair is David Cooper

The Treasurer is Ali Denton

Other Trustees are Andrew Creasy, Duncan Ayling, John Pitcher and Debbie Corwin.

The Group reports to the Bury St Edmunds District Scouts

In addition to the Trustees, the Group has a Maintenance Support Team and a Fundraising Team

Our Honorary President is Richard Leveritt.

Great Barton Scout Group was founded 1st February 1971.

We are a Registered Charity, Charity Number 271284.